Customer Service


Missing Parts?

Please use this form to contact us about missing or damaged parts. For all other inquiries, use the contact form found here:  Contact Us

If you find missing or damaged parts in your newly purchased game that are published or distributed by Rio Grande Games, and that are not out of print, we will replace those parts without charge. Please note that we do not replace complete games that have missing or damaged parts. Also, note that we generally do not replace game boxes or the cardboard or plastic liners that come with them.

Please note:  If you are looking for the card guide for the inlay in your Dominion game or expansion, please be sure to check inside the rule book before asking for a replacement.  The guides are put inside the rule book during the manufacturing process in order to protect them.

Customers wanting replacement parts should use the form here: include a description of the part you want, what game it comes from, whether it was missing or damaged when you first removed the shrink wrap from the game and your address.

Similarly, if you have lost or damaged a part for a game, we can usually supply a replacement for a nominal charge. Just let us know what you lost.

Unfortunately, postal rates have increased significantly, especially for foreign shipments. We understand that this makes the cost of replacements very expensive. We are doing our best to keep the costs down and do not typically charge for the parts – the amount requested covers packing and shipping. Thanks for your understanding.

We will respond to your email address within a few days.

Your response may be delayed during the current crisis.  We are working hard to catch up with all of the pending requests.  Thanks for your patience.

Rio Grande Games
PO Box 1033
Placitas, NM 87043

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