Beyond the Sun – Coming November 2020

Rio Grande Games is very pleased to announce the pending release of a new game called Beyond the Sun, a new game from first-time designer Dennis K. Chan, with art and graphic design by the legendary German game artist Franz Vohwinkel.
Beyond the Sun takes you to new worlds as you try to lead your faction off Earth in the 23rd century to new homes in unexplored star systems beyond our solar system.
Game Features:
Each player represents a faction vying for supremacy in the race to colonize new worlds in nearby star systems. These factions have different powers and unique abilities. They come in two versions – Basic and Advanced. The Basic powers are mostly symmetrical, with only small variations between the various powers. The Advanced powers are asymmetrical as the unique abilities of each of the factions come through. Each of these factions is represented by dual-layer player boards that show the abilities of each faction. All of the resources, population, and other items relevant to each player are tracked and stored on dual-layer player boards. These boards will keep all of the components organized and will keep a casual bump to the table from disturbing the players’ pieces.
Beyond the Sun features attractive art and clean graphic design that is easy to read and understand. The components include custom-made cubes similar to dice from Roll for the Galaxy, which are used to track the status of the population.
Two separate game boards are used to play Beyond the Sun. The first is the main technology game board featuring a technology tree that expands during play. The second board is the exploration board, where the star systems are found, explored, and colonized.
There are dozens of different technology cards, so that each game will be a unique experience. The goals for each game also vary depending on which achievement cards are used in any particular game. The result is endless re-playability and different challenges.
Beyond the Sun will be available in November 2020 via the normal distribution channels. MSRP is $74.95. The game is designed for 2-4 players. The playing time will range 60-120 minutes, depending on the number of players.